Thursday, October 29, 2015

Psalm 37: "He will not Forsake His Saints"

"Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in Him and He will act."

Around us, we see people doing what please them and yet still flourish in their living. We see them enjoying a luxurious time while they carry out their evil schemes. And in a moment, a Christian might be vexed and tempted to do what they do. But the Lord reminds us in chapter 37 of Psalms not to fret and be envious of the abundance of the wicked-for they shall soon wither as a green plant dies away. He teaches us that all the things that they enjoy will not count but the things they did when they face His judgment.

And yes we may suffer while the wicked prosper, yet He doesn't leave us alone in our sufferings. As we commit our way to Him and trust Him, He promised to act. He will act. He will.  The word 'will' used here means 'it is bound to happen', an inevitable event to come'. When we feel exhausted of taking the threats of disobedience and we are being tempted to do just what 'everybody does', the Lord will act.  

The following verse says what God will act upon for His saints: "He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun." (Psalm 37:6). He will not forsake us. He will supply our needs and our strength as we commit to Him.  A decision that is not shaky but sturdy to obey God no matter the odds. Commiting one's way is committing his or her works for the glory of God. Works is anything we do. We put it all on the line and trust Him. And we will see that His righteousness will be seen in us and that there will be vindication of the things we do for Christ. 

This sweet promise follows when we commit our way and trust in Him. Will you trust the Promise Keeper?

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