Sunday, November 17, 2013

While We May

"'Sir,' the man replied, 'leave it alone for one more year, and I'll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.'" Luke 13:8-9

Yesterday, there were news that a strong storm will be raging in KSA. The forecast could have said that our city would be affected because my Saudi neighbors were getting ready for it. Thankfully, today is another day here in Jubail City. Summer is almost over, and the bright morning sun brings light through my windows as usual. I can also hear the birds chirping outside. However admittedly, without the expected storm, I might be one of those who would less appreciate the beauty of this morning.

There are days when we spend a whole lot of time doing the things that we need to get "through" the day. The things that seemed so important IF tomorrow would still come. As Christians, we sometimes forget what we are really called to do-- "to bear fruit." We are called to live a holy life and to share the message of the cross to all men. This calling does not measure up to the abundance of our material possessions and successful careers, instead it is characterized through a continuous maturity in our spiritual walk and compassion to unsaved souls. "A true Christian will show, through words, actions, and doctrine, that he follows the Lord." (

God's grace is always sufficient for us. In every ordeal we encounter, His arm is never too short to help us, even to comfort us in all the days of our sorrow. But His grace could only last until He is pleased to give it to us. Let us make use of every moment to bring glory and honor to the One who created us and the reason of our existence. Praise be to Him whose patience endures the hardness of our hearts, and had given us mercies for many days of our lives, to turn away from our sins and have a new life with His Son, Jesus Christ.

Today may be another day, and tomorrow is certainly uncertain; but our eternity is secure in the hands of our Savior. And through His overflowing grace, may we always manifest the true gratitude of being able to see the light of every new day.

"Where is their God?"

Why should the nations say, “Where is their God?” - Psalm 79:10a It's No Surprise When disaster struck Jerusalem during their defeat wit...